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EXE Guide is a popular trending Blog which mainly covers articles related to jobs, foods,sports,fashion and style,hobbies and craft,home improvement,shopping etc. and much more.

Current Site Statistics:

  1. Alexa -1000k
  2. Daily 100,000+ Visitors.
  3. 150,000+ page views per day.
  4. Monthly 60,00,000+ unique visitors.
  5. Monthly 80,00,000+ Page Views.
  6. Facebook Fans -1,000+
  7. Subscribers   – 1,000+.

Advertising Banners and Prices:

Sidebar AdRight Sidebar125×125$100
End of Post AdMiddle, Center468×60$300
Sidebar AdMiddle, Right300×250$400
Header Ad(Premium)Top, Right Header468×60$500
Leader Ad(Premium)Top of All Posts728×90$1000
 Note:All the above prices are monthly basis.

Sponsored Reviews:

We welcome products/websites/services on our website. We have already done few reviews on our blog and boosted the sales of many advertisers. Click here to know more about sponsored reviews.

What do you get in our Reviews:

  • We write a full in-depth review of your product/service covering all the key features and specifications.
  • We allow 1-2 dofollow links to your site with desired anchor text.This will boost your search engine rankings and page rank.
  • We also make videos for your products and upload them to our youtube channel thereby getting more and more exposure to your product/services.
  • As soon as the article is published we share it on our Facebook ,Twitter and Google + Pages where we have about 500,000+ followers thereby getting instant maximum exposure to your service.
If you are interested in advertising on our blog then you can visit our contact page.We will try to respond in 24 hours .