Top 10 Awesome Features of Android Lolipop

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Top 10 Awesome Features of Android Lolipop

The latest version of Android is a big upgrade. Android 5.0 Lollipop is here and beginning to make its way to more and more devices as manufacturers and carriers slowly send out updates. You cmay already read some details review about this android lolipop versions, but you'll also want to read on as we dig a little deeper into a handful of the most compelling new features and upgrades that make the fifth major revision of Android the sweetest yet.

Easter Egg Game

You're probably used to the Android Lollipop where you tap on the version name in the about phone/about tablet part of the settings menu. Well this is no different in Lollipop but if you tap the image of the lollipop multiple times then long press it you'll load up an Android themed mini-game which is a nod to Flappy Bird

Better Battery Use

Back at Google I/O in June, Google introduced something called Project Volta, which is basically a collection of tweaks and best practices for developers designed to make Android and apps run more efficiently, draining less juice out of a device's battery along the way.

Evidence of this effort is visualized for Lollipop users in the form of a new, detailed power usage chart and a battery saver mode that Google says will squeeze an extra ninety minutes or so out of each charge, but there's more going on in the back end with Project Volta, too.Changes in how a device's various pieces of hardware and software work together reportedly gives Lollipop as much as a 36 percent boost in battery life on last generation Nexus devices compared to KitKat.

Apps Get Full SD Card Access

You might have noticed starting with Android KitKat that there were some changes to how apps could access different areas of a device's storage, particularly an inserted microSD card. Developers complained about these restrictions, and Google responded in Lollipop by more or less completely opening access to inserted memory cards. This makes it much easier for media-heavy apps to seamlessly store and access photos, video or audio files on a memory card with less hassle.

Search Settings

Settings now has its own dedicated search bar. While this may seem like a very minor addition, it’s actually a great timesaver when you know exactly what you’re after. For example, let’s say you want to change your network settings, but you don’t know where to look. Just head to settings and search for “network” and you’ll find what you need almost instantly. This is one of many neat little features in Lollipop that really helps to increase efficiency in a simple and intuitive way.

New Notification Bar

The notification bar in Lollipop is different to before so you don't swipe down on different sides of the screen to get notifications or quick settings. Now you simply swipe down once for notifications and a second time for quick settings. You can still get straight to the latter with a two-finger swipe and it's accessible via the lockscreen.

Hide Sensitive Notifications

Notifications now show in the middle of the lockscreen which is a good thing but not if you don't want juicy details on display to everyone. Under Settings > Sound & notifications > When device is locked you can choose to hide sensitive notifications. Developers can add this into app so they are not on show. You can also switch off lockscreen notifications completely here.


Android finally has its own built in flashlight button, which can be found in your notification screen. This feature, which has been on iOS and Windows Phone for some time now, uses your phone’s LED flash as a torch at the touch of a button. Previously, Android owners were forced to download a separate flashlight app, which if you’re upgrading, you can probably go ahead and delete now unless you’re after specific third party features, such as strobe lighting or timed flash effects.

Do Not Disturb

Lollipop’s do not disturb features are incredibly easy to set up. Turn your volume up or down using the rocker switch on the side of your device and a small window will pop up with the options None, Priority and All. Tap None and no notifications will wake up your phone, this includes calls, texts, updates and even alarms. Tap Priority and only specific interruptions will be allowed through - to set these up, tap the little cog wheel on the top right hand corner. Finally, All will allow all notifications to come through. Each of these setting can be assigned to work for a specific amount of time or indefinitely.

Security ( Personal Unlocking ) 

Security is the key feature of every android device, In this update Google brings latest security feature we can reset our android device remotely In cases It is stolen or lost. You can also unlock your device personally using android smart watches like key less entry for cars and bikes.

Enterprises Integration 

Now you can manage both personal and work related apps on android devices more efficiently. When  coming to security Samsung Knox software is also a part of  Android L security wing. It gives more security to the collective data.

So these are some of the greatest features android introduced with it's lolipop versions.So do you know anything more?Let us know through your comments.


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